I have been thinking about this post from the early beginnings of my NPX / VCDX journey, the whole journey took a bit more time than I had planned for but finally, it’s time.
It’s time to be thankful, recognize all the great help that I received during my journey and I know without the vCommunity it wouldn’t have been possible.
Thanks, first of all to my family for the patience and time they gave me to allow me to work on the documentation, the mocks and travel, helping me through the lows of failing and the highs of passing.
My second thanks is for Igor Zecevic @zecevicigor , my partner in crime as we did a joint submission, I owe a great deal to him as he was a large part of my success.
So now here comes a super large list of people, which helped me in various ways with documentation reviews, mocks, advice, blog posts and many many other things!
I don’t want prioritize them as I believe that would be unfair, I mean people that didn’t even know who I was, were willing to give up their free time to help me in various ways and that is a huge deal!!!!!
Now as you see, a load of people were involved in my 2 year journey in getting to this NPX / VCDX and I hope I am not forgetting anyone, but my success is their success too.
Bilal Ahmed @Dark_KnightUK
ShadyElMalatawey @ShadyMalatawey
Bilel Kammoun @BILKAM2
Magnus Anderson @magander3
Bas Raayman@BasRaayman
Abdullah @do0dzZZ
Manny Sidhu @MannySidhu2
Brett Guarino @Brett_Guarino(before being on panelist path)
Gregg Robertson @GreggRobertson5
Dominik Zorgnotti @vDominikZ(before being on panelist path)
Per Thorn @per_thorn
Jason Gierson @JasonTweet7889
Rebecca Fitzhugh @RebeccaFitzhugh
Ramandeep Singh @rdsinghc
Sylvain Huguet @vshuguet
Alexandre Arrive @aArriveCornec
Gatien GHEZA @GatienGHEZA
Damien Raynal @DamRay
Kalen Arndt @kalenarndt
Josh Odgers @josh_odgers
Kiran Reid @Apollokre1d
Scott Bowe @scottrbowe
Chris Porter @uprightvinyl
Samuel Rothenbühler @bancswissunique
Nabil RIZK @nabsrizk
Kim Bottu @Kim_Bottu
Paul McSharry @pmcsharry (before being a panelist)
vincenthan @vincenthan
Brian Suhr @bsuhr
Sylvain Huguet @vshuguet
Ben Mayer @benediktmayer
Paul Meehan @PaulPMeehan
Simon Long @SimonLong_
Eric Fourn @Efourn
René van den Bedem @vcdx133
Mohammed Salem @vmSalem
Mike Brown @VirtuallyMikeB
Timo Sugliani @tsugliani
Simon Z @RockingKeats
Anton Davidovskiy @adavidovskiy